Table of Contents

CRAM Belief State Plugins

Shipped plugins

The belief state software is mostly plugin driven. Here is a list of plugins available for the system that are part of the core release:

Communication Plugins

These plugins open up the belief state system to connections from outside, making interaction with other entities possible.

Management Plugins

These plugins manage the background coordination in the belief state system, such as starting the system properly, and holding collected data.

Helper Plugins

These plugins themselves don't have a closed function, but are used as helper functionalities for other plugins.

Exporter Plugins

These plugins manage the export of collected data in various formats.

Experimental Plugins

These plugins are strongly work-in-progress and most probably not useable for a broad audience at the moment. Feel free to experiment with them, but no support is given. By default, they count as development plugins.

Excluded Plugins

These plugins are not part of the core release, but work fine with the system.