====== CRAM installation ======
==== Setting up ROS Environment ====
Before starting, open a fresh terminal which hasn't sourced anything related to ROS yet (nothing in the .bashrc), otherwise you might get bad side-effects.
=== Both Catkin and Rosbuild ===
== Catkin Part ==
source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash
cd ~/workspace
or ''cd ~/work'' or ''mkdir ~/workspace && cd ~/workspace'', whatever.
mkdir -p catkin/src
cd catkin
You might want to call ''catkin_init_workspace'' from ''src'' before ''catkin_make'', but this is actually not needed, as ''catkin_make'' does that for you as well.
== Rosbuild part ==
source devel/setup.bash
mkdir ~/workspace/rosbuild
cd ~/workspace/rosbuild
rosws init . ../catkin/devel
Make sure you use ''rosws'' here instead of ''wstool''.
echo -e "\n# ROS\nsource \$HOME/workspace/rosbuild/setup.bash\n" >> ~/.bashrc
The quotation marks and the 2 'bigger' signs in ''echo'' might not work if you copy paste. Do ''cat ~/.bashrc'' to check if it worked.
source ~/.bashrc