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Prepare the 3D mesh

Open your mesh in Blender or any other Software of your wishes.

blender before rotation

blender after rotation

check scaling factor = 1.0 and apply rotation and scaling to the object by hitting ctrl+A

Add the mesh to CRAM

Export as stl and save it either in your demo resource folder or: ~/YOUWS/src/cram/cram_3d_world/cram_bullet_reasoning/resource/

Add your object here for coloring: ./cram_3d_world/cram_bullet_reasoning_utilities/src/objects-database.lisp:

;; Colors for different object types the same for all scenarios.
(<- (%scenario-object-color :plate    (0.8 0.58 0.35)))
(<- (%scenario-object-color :fork     (0.2 0.1 0.3)))
(<- (%scenario-object-color :knife    (0.5 0 0)))
(<- (%scenario-object-color :big-knife    (0 1 1 1)))

Add your object here, so the system can use the correct stl file for the keyword: ./cram_3d_world/cram_bullet_reasoning/src/items.lisp:

(defparameter *mesh-files*

 (:big-knife "package://cram_bullet_reasoning/resource/big-knife.stl" nil)

Add your object here for the costmap metadata: ./cram_3d_world/cram_btr_spatial_relations_costmap/src/knowledge.lisp:113:

(<- (object-type-costmap-threshold :big-knife 0.8d0)) ; 0.99d0))

Add your object here for the abstract item-shape: world/cram_btr_spatial_relations_costmap/src/knowledge.lisp\052:

(<- (%item-type-shape :big-knife :rectangle))

Add your object here for the padding size: ./cram_3d_world/cram_btr_spatial_relations_costmap/src/knowledge.lisp\087:

(<- (object-type-padding-size :big-knife 0.005d0))

Use the mesh

Now you are able to spawn your object by:

(btr-utils:spawn-object 'big-knife-1 :big-knife
                               :pose (cl-transforms:make-pose
                                      (cl-tf:make-3d-vector 1.5 0.0 1.3)