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Location costmaps

This tutorial demonstrates the location costmap library of CRAM, including its API, examples of existing costmaps and how to write your own new costmaps.


  • launch the map-server in a terminal with
     roslaunch iai_maps map.launch 
  • load cram_occupancy_grid_costmap in the REPL
  • start a node in REPL with (roslisp-utilities:startup-ros)
  • define costmap parameters:
(prolog:def-fact-group costmap-metadata ()
  (prolog:<- (location-costmap:costmap-size 10 10)) ; in meters
  (prolog:<- (location-costmap:costmap-origin -5 -5))
  (prolog:<- (location-costmap:costmap-resolution 0.05))
  (prolog:<- (location-costmap:costmap-padding 0.01))) ; padding to occupancy map obstacles

Creating and resolving location designators

  • create a designator and resolve it:
(defparameter *designator* (desig:a location (visible-for pr2)))
(desig:reference *designator*)

Visualization of costmaps

  • start rviz and add Map, Marker and MarkerArray
    • as “Topic” for the Map select “/map”
    • as “Marker Topic” select “/cram_location_marker” and “/cram_location_costmap” respectively.
  • to see which costmap was used, call this:
(defparameter *costmap*
          (car (prolog:prolog `(and (location-costmap:desig-costmap ,designator ?cm))))))
  • to visualize the costmap and see generated values:
(location-costmap:get-cost-map costmap)

–> CRAM costmaps calculate values from 0 to 1: 0 – bad sample, 1 – perfect sample

  • In rviz you should see something like this:

  • to remove visualization markers call
(location-costmap::remove-markers-up-to-index 10000)

Creating your own cost function

To define your own location relations you need to do three things:

  1. Define a cost function which resolves the relation you want
  2. Register a name for your cost function
  3. Define rules for generating a costmap using your cost function associate it with your registered name

Let's define a behind relation.

  • create a cost function which returns for each {x, y} in location costmap grid a value between [0, 1]
(defun make-behind-cost-function (ref-x ref-y)
           "`ref-x' and `ref-y' are the coordinates of the reference point according to which the behind-relation is resolved."
           (let* ((supp-tf (cl-transforms:make-transform
                               (cl-transforms:make-3d-vector ref-x ref-y 0)
                  (world->supp-tf (cl-transforms:transform-inv supp-tf)))
             (lambda (x y)
               (let* ((point (cl-transforms:transform-point world->supp-tf
                                                            (cl-transforms:make-3d-vector x y 0)))
                      (vector-length (cl-transforms:dot-product point point)))
                 (if (and (< (cl-transforms:x point) 0.0d0)
                          (> (abs (/ (cl-transforms:x point) vector-length)) 0))
                     (abs (/ (cl-transforms:x point) vector-length))
  • define order for your costmap function and give it a name:
(defmethod location-costmap:costmap-generator-name->score ((name (eql 'behind-cost-function))) 10)
  • define the prolog rule for generating costmaps:
(prolog:def-fact-group tutorial-rules (location-costmap:desig-costmap)
           (prolog:<- (location-costmap:desig-costmap ?designator ?costmap)
             (desig:desig-prop ?designator (:behind ?pose))
             (prolog:lisp-fun cl-transforms:origin ?pose ?pose-origin)
             (prolog:lisp-fun cl-transforms:x ?pose-origin ?ref-x)
             (prolog:lisp-fun cl-transforms:y ?pose-origin ?ref-y)
             (location-costmap:costmap ?costmap)
              (make-behind-cost-function ?ref-x ?ref-y)
  • resolve a designator with your new awesome costmap:
(defparameter *behind-designator*
           (desig:make-designator :location `((:behind ,(cl-transforms:make-identity-pose)))))
(desig:reference *behind-designator*)
  • if you were to visualize the costmap like above you would get this:
  (car (prolog:prolog `(and (location-costmap:desig-costmap ,*behind-designator* ?cm))))))

Using other (pre-defined) cost-functions

In the location-costmap package there are other cost function already available for generating costmaps. Here are two examples:

  • using gaussian costmap function:
(prolog:def-fact-group tutorial-rules (location-costmap:desig-costmap)
  (prolog:<- (location-costmap:desig-costmap ?designator ?costmap)
    (desig:desig-prop ?designator (:behind ?pose))
    (prolog:lisp-fun cl-transforms:origin ?pose ?pose-origin)
    (location-costmap:costmap ?costmap)
     (location-costmap:make-gauss-cost-function ?pose-origin #2A((0.5 0) (0 0.5)))
  • using range costmap function:
(prolog:def-fact-group tutorial-rules (location-costmap:desig-costmap)
  (prolog:<- (location-costmap:desig-costmap ?designator ?costmap)
    (desig:desig-prop ?designator (:behind ?pose))
    (location-costmap:costmap ?costmap)
     (location-costmap:make-range-cost-function ?pose 1.0)
(prolog:def-fact-group tutorial-rules (location-costmap:desig-costmap)
  (prolog:<- (location-costmap:desig-costmap ?designator ?costmap)
    (desig:desig-prop ?designator (:behind ?pose))
    (location-costmap:costmap ?costmap)
     (location-costmap:make-range-cost-function ?pose 1.0 :invert t)